Exosome Facial Rejuvenation

Derma Pro Aesthetics is proud to offer “Exosome” – the next generation and most powerful treatment for aging, inflammatory skin conditions, and hair loss.

Exosomes are particles that are naturally released by cells, particularly stem cells. They transport genetic information, proteins, growth factors, and messenger RNA. Exosomes function as messenger cells between cells and have the ability to activate your own cells to function as actively and efficiently as young people’s cells.

Exosomes have the ability to repair and regenerate stem cells.

Exosome therapy at Derma Pro Aesthetics employs Exosomes derived from rosebud stem cells (Plant base stem cells). As a result, it is a cell-free therapy.

The results of the Exosome treatment for the skin are as the below:

  • Youthful skin
  • Global Skin tightening over face and neck resulting in lifting (Exosomes activate your skin cells to produce up to 600 % more collagen and 300% more elastin.)
  • Skin brightening
  • Improvement in wrinkles, skin health, hydration, open pores and skin radiance
  • Correction of hyperpigmentation, eye dark circles and melasma
  • Reduction in skin redness and inflammation (rosacea and acne, dermatitis, psoriasis)
  • Reconstruction of the skin barrier in eczema
  • Improvement in wound healing and scar

The result of the Exosome treatment for hair:

  • Promote hair growth in all hair loss conditions
  • Improve scalp condition


Number of treatments required:

Exosome for SKIN treatment:

Although visible results can be experienced after a session of the treatment, the doctor will recommend a number of sessions you will need depending on the problem of the concerned area. Commonly 1-2 vials per session are used and 3-5 sessions, 1-2 weeks apart. In the case that one session treatment as the patient cannot return for more sessions, 3-4 vials are recommended.

Results are expected over a 90-day period.

Exosome for HAIR treatment:

1-2 vials per session, 5-8  sessions is required.

Some results are expected after a 2-month period however greater results will be seen over a 12-month period.

Maintain dose: one session every 3-6 months is recommended.

INCREDIBLE RESULTS after just 3 sessions:






£450 per session
£450 per session
£450 per session
£450 per session
£450 per session
£900 per session

3D Lipo

Lift Treatments

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